Important points about Folk Music!

There are several forms and interpretations of “folk” music. Labeled below…

  • FOLK
    • Folk music is originally inspired by various cultural backgrounds and varies based off the country/community.
    • Folk music tends to tell stories, and carries simple melody lines.
    • Instrumentation: Rock band set up: (bass, drums, guitar, vocals), sometimes the harmonica and various acoustic string instruments like mandolin or the banjo.
    • Folk music fused with the rock scene during the 1960’s and 70’s, during the post Vietnam political movement. The United States was experiencing a political revolution and was used as a vehicle to tell stories and promote change. The main message was peace, love and music!
    • Folk music currently, can be identified with “Indie”. An abbreviation for “independent” or an unsigned artist. Because Indie artists have more musical freedom, most “indie” music is more experimental than traditional folk music but can be connected due to the storytelling or protest aspect.
    • “Indie” artists are also closely related to Country or Rock music, depending on the artist/sound. As the music timeline crawls closer to current day, the more the genres blend together. Some Indie Rock musicians can also fall under the umbrella term “Alternative Rock” which we will look at closer later this semester.

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